Tamil Nadu has a coastal length of 1076 km (13% of the country's coastal length) 1.9 lakh of EEZ (9.4% of the India's EEZ) and a continental shelf of about 41,412 and is one of the leading state in marine fish production. The marine fish production of the state is 5.48 lakh tons during 2020-21.

The State has marine fisherfolk population of 10.48 lakh from 608 marine fishing villages scattered along the 14 coastal districts.

The State has an efficient fishing fleet comprise of 5893 mechanized fishing boats and 42337 traditional crafts through which the State could achieve an annual marine fish production of 5.48 lakh MT and ranks second with 10 to 12% contribution to the total marine fish production of India. The per capita consumption of fish in Tamil Nadu is 9.3 Kg.

The shore infrastructure facilities include 9 major fishing harbours, 3 medium fishing harbours, 53 fish landing centres and 236 fish landing points.

The State exported 1.10 lakh MT of marine products and earned foreign exchange of Rs.5565.46 crore during 2020-21.

Approximate coastal length of Tamilnadu

Name of the coast Region Length
Coromandal Coast Chennai to Point Calimere 357.2 Km.
Palk Bay Point Calimere to Pamban 293.9 Km.
Gulf of Mannar Pamban to Kanniyakumari 364.9 Km.
West Coast in Arabian Sea Kanniyakumari to Neerodi 60.0 Km.

coastal area

District wise Coastal length of Tamil Nadu

Name of the District Coramandal Coast Palk Bay Gulf of Mannar West Coast Total (Kms)
Chennai 19.0 - - - 19.0
Thiruvallur 27.9 - - - 27.9
Chengalpattu 87.2 - - - 87.2
Villupuram 40.7 - - - 40.7
Cuddalore 57.5 - - - 57.5
Mayiladuthurai 70.9 - - - 70.9
Nagapattinam 54.0 63.0 - - 117.0
Thiruvarur - 47.2 - - 47.2
Thanjavur - 45.1 - - 45.1
Pudukkottai - 42.8 - - 42.8
Ramanathapuram - 95.8 141.0 - 236.8
Thoothukudi - - 163.5 - 163.5
Tirunelveli - - 48.9 - 48.9
Kanyakumari - - 11.5 60.0 71.5
Total 357.2 293.9 364.9 60.0 1076.0

The Gulf of Mannar Region at the southern tip of Tamilnadu is recognised as the richest marine bio diversity region in the world.